Saturday, September 24, 2011

Baby Fever

For the first time since Rosebud was born, I feel like it would be lovely to be pregnant.  I really never thought I would feel that way, since pregnancy = hormonal craziness.  I guess it is the way of biology. My brain is forgetting the difficult moments, and only remember the joyous ones.  And as my Rosebud gets bigger and bigger, I think part of the yearning is for her to slow down and stay my baby. 

I'm glad to have this feeling and so glad that the adoption process has been started.  Now I have something to tell my uterus when it starts telling me it wants to start on another beautiful life.  So sorry womb, our next baby will be or has been created somewhere else.  During the wait, I have family and friends who are enjoying the new beginnings of having little ones, and it has been pretty stinkin' fun to be a part of it!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Finally... an update

It has been awhile since I posted anything!  Things have picked up at my new job, and Rosebud is adjusting to preschool (finally).  It is just two days a week, but she has had a hard time missing Mimi and Pawpaw.

Our home study is underway. We are waiting for our DHS background checks to clear and then our home study agency should be able to finish up.  We also need to expedite our updated passports. Not only for our adoption, but also so we can flee to a private island once the economy crashes (thanks Euro!).  We don't really have a private island.. .just so we are clear on that. I was joking.

In this time, Michael and I continue to pray for our son and for our family.  We will probably be adopting a son that is older than we first imagined, and so we are praying that our hearts adjust to the needs of the country and to the needs of our son.  I have my own concerns that an older child could possibly mean higher risk of special attachment needs, and so I pray that Michael and I are up for parenting a child who will need extra compassion, patience, and consistency.  I will be reading reading reading, so if anyone has good suggestions, let me know! I am also bouncing names around, but realize that if our son is older when we meet him, he will already have a name.  I would like something cute to call him, like when pregnant women refer to their babies as 'peanuts' or 'sea monkey'.  Peanut seems a little weird at this point.  So, email me if you have any good nickname suggestions!

So that is where we are.  Waiting, gathering, checking and double checking documents. And enjoying every second with Rosebud :)