Monday, May 14, 2012

Forward motion

We have really been wondering about what has been going on in Lesotho.  We rarely bother our agency with asking, because they are good at keeping us informed, so we assume if we haven't had news, there is no news.  We had noted that a family was completing their adoption and were in Lesotho, but we had not heard anything about new matches being made.

UNTIL Last Friday... buh buh bummmmm.  Our agency's director emailed us to let us know that Lesotho was planning a matching meeting very soon (when adopting internationally, you become very used to things being vague. It cannot be helped).   What is a matching meeting you ask?  In my understanding, government and other professionals get together to discern orphans who are eligible to be placed for adoption.  The meetings are intended to be held every quarter, but that is sometimes challenging.  There are four countries that are approved to adopt in Lesotho.  Each country(and the one agency that represents them) is given the opportunity to present four families to be matched with a child during these meetings.  Many things are considered.  The needs of the child, the goodness of fit for the family, and so on.  Our director let us know that there are currently four families from the US that have been waiting quite a while to be matched. 

HERE IS THE PART THAT INVOLVES US: Because it has been such a long wait between matching meetings, our director has indicated that the government is considering to allow more families to be presented by each country/agency.  She emailed to tell us that she will be attempting to get us on the list of eligible families to be matched in the very near future.    There are so many variables.  1. Clearly, we are serving children. If there are no children to be served at this time, we will wait longer.  2. The government and other professionals have not fully committed to considering additional families. 3. Its international adoption, so just imagine all the other things, and pretend that I wrote them here.

We truly believe in the Lord's timing.  I know he has his hands in this, and I know that he loves our son, and is caring for him.  In a future post, I will share my personal reactions to this news.  To know me is to know that there were a lot.

  • For the children waiting for families
  • For the other families waiting to find their children
  • That doors are opened and that the Lord is able to move in a big way in this process
  • For the financial barriers we face in this adoption
  • Pray to bless our director, our agency, and the professionals that serve orphans everyday.  That they experience the Lord's blessing for following their calling and serving His children.
We are so excited to hear even this snippet of news.  For us, it is good to hear that there is forward motion.

P.S.  We've wrapped up our Both Hands project as a fundraiser.  I will post an update on that soon.

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