Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Speaking in Hymns

The Lord seems to be speaking to me in hymns.  As I processed the news that we could be matched this week (even though it is a low probability), I got a little hyped up.  There are so many ways in which we are not ready.  The financial cost of the adoption process being the biggest on my mind.  And so, Monday night, I find myself full of energy with nowhere to really place it.  Finally, Michael and I prayed together, that the Lord's will be done, and that I be provided peace (the supernatural kind because I do not always come by it naturally).  And so, I awoke this morning singing in my head "It is well with my soul." I felt the calming presence of the Holy Spirit as I started my day.

As I sometimes do when I am in work meetings, I started writing a letter to Jesus.  And realized what the letter boiled down to, is that I am asking for a miracle.  A miracle that the Lord provide the finances and the timing for this adoption to take place.  For the miracle that Rosebud is ready for a brother when he comes, and for all the other specifics to fall into place.  I've asked for a lot of things from the Lord, but a miracle seems like a huge imposition.

A friend from work gave me a worship cd, and when I hopped into the car on my ride home tonight, "Great is thy Faithfulness" was playing.

All I have needed, Thy hand hath provided-
"Great is thy faithfulness," Lord, unto me!

When I look at my life, this could not be anymore true.  The Lord blessed me with a little girl despite my infertility. He sustained us through unemployment.  He was faithful in helping me follow my calling despite my many attempts to stray from His path.  Great is His faithfulness.

So tonight, I rest in His love and MERCY, knowing that I have never deserved His miracles, but have always received them. I know he loves my son and my family and that through Him, all things work together for good... (Romans 8:28). A God who sent His son to die for me, provided a way for the miracle of salvation before I even knew I wanted it....surely that God is faithful and hears my prayers.

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