Thursday, May 16, 2013

No News for me, but beautiful things for my friend :)

I follow many other blogs about international adoption.  And in many of these, I have noticed a serious lull in posting while they wait their kiddo.  Now I get it.  In the past there have been announcements to make.  I'm completed our home study! We were finger-printed! and so on.

But for now there is not much news.  Our paperwork has finally left stage one, medical exam and all, and is now, hopefully, traveling through gov't offices.  Our lives are going on.  My job is wonderful. Rosebud is hilarious.  My husband has found a new hobby. Our days are joyful.  But I get why there is a natural drop off of posting for myself and other bloggers.  I imagine one can only read so many posts of the emotional roller coaster of waiting before it stops being interesting and is just annoying.So today, I wanted to post about the joy of others.

I have been blessed by finding a friend through this process.  Those of you who joined in Prayer Extravaganza 2013, you will recognize the name of Sammy and Eric as they were the focus of one of the days.  God blessed me with this other mother to email, who understands and is experiencing the same things I am. She has been such a gift! and has allowed me to say things and vent things, and has shared hope with me and fears.

I wanted to write today's post because I just wanted to share with all of you who have been partnering with our family in prayer, that this family gained their sixth member this week!  They are in Lesotho, and have met their beautiful daughter.  Thank you all for your prayers for this family and for mine :) Please continue to pray for them in the days ahead.  Sunshine will have some serious changes coming up. The family will too :) and all of this is done in a totally foreign country.

I praise the Lord for my blessings!  For my son, for my friends, for unexpected support, and for being encouraged by the love and faith of others!

 (For more info on this fam, go to:

And just because I think it is is Rosebud with her big sister shirt and her heart in Lesotho necklace. She is so excited to meet M :)


  1. Beautiful post - thank you for sharing your joy! So excited for you and your family :)

  2. Love! Waiting STINKS. I remember oh, so well. But then one day, boom, out of the blue you'll get the email - please notarize and fedex and call the travel agent - and life will slingshot you to the other side of the world. And WHERE did you find the Lesotho heart necklace? I want one!

  3. Thanks Christina!
    Kristi- I have one and R had a different one, both from Etsy. Here is the one I got for R, mine is a bit bigger:
    And thanks or your encouragement :)
