Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I have always felt somewhat embarrassed about my own personality traits that cause me to disclose tons about myself.  I call it 'living out loud'.  People get to know the good and the bad pretty quickly.  Recently though, I feel called to become more transparent. I want to be authentic.  I feel this quirk about me can maybe be useful, to let others know that I, this screw up of a young lady, who makes social errors, says things she shouldn't, and has truly selfish thoughts, am in love with Jesus. While this blog is mostly about my family's adoption journey, I wanted to put out there for whoever is interested, what I mean when I talk about my God.

 For those of you who don't know me, I want to tell you what I believe.  I believe that there is a God, who wants a relationship with all of his children, so much so that he sent his son to die for you and for me.  (If you want more information on why a son would have to die, please comment or email me.  I would love to talk to you about this). The amazement that comes with knowing Christ is understanding that being good is not the requirement.  Through Mercy, we are able to have a relationship with our God, a relationship that we will never earn or deserve, but one that is already offered to us. Finding God’s love for us is less about our own actions and more about figuring out what is already there. The Lord is actively seeking after each of us.  Loving us when we are our most unlovable.  (Like I mentioned earlier, if you want to know more about what I mean, shoot me an email, or if you have my number, call! J )

And so in previous and future posts, this is the God I am speaking of.  I am talking about the Lord who created the universe and who loves me, who loves my family, and whose heart breaks for the hungry and the poor in the same way it breaks for the rich and the lost.  If any thing I ever write about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, or anything else is confusing or compelling, please email me: taramglenn@yahoo.com. I know I will not have all the answers, but it will be nice to hear from you ;)

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