Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Rosebud's Daddy-More introductions

I'm not one of those people who is particularly mushy.  I don't sent romantic notes to my husband via facebook or talk about how great he is too all my friends.  In fact, on our anniversary, we each posted funny/sarcastic posts about our six years as husband and wife.  But, there is so much to Rosebud's daddy, Michael, that any attempt to briefly describe him would surely leave out something important. Be warned, this post is a little lovey dovey.

There are the things Michael's acquaintances know about him, that he loves basketball, baseball, and football.  That his occupation is electrical engineering.  That he is slow to warm up in a crowd but is quite funny under his breath.  There are the things that his friends know.  That he is caring and loyal.  He enjoys making people laugh and he likes to grill and cook for people. That his work is important for him, but that he does it for his family.   Then there are the things that his inner circle know.  Michael can appear on the outside to be so relaxed that he somehow isn't observing all of life.  Michael often shocks me with his insight of the people and relationships around us.  Michael is easy going but he is also particular.  He serves his family even if it means breaking traditional gender-roles.  He cooks our dinner, does our laundry, etc. Mike is even-tempered.  He likes to stay at home. He is a bit of a video game lover.  Oh, and he loves to golf.  Can't believe I almost forgot that hobby.

I always tease Mike, and tell him I am a kite and he is my string, but I would be lost without my string. I have the tendency to FREAK OUT, and there he is, calm and faithful, lovingly settling me back down.  He reminds me our Father has got things under control Michael is my blessing.  He is consistent, but surprising.  When I've had a particularly rough work day, I can come home to find that he has cleaned the whole house (with a large breed dog, two cats, and a toddler, it can get out of control VERY quickly)or cooked dinner.  We spend endless amounts of time with my family, and he loves them as his own.  His own family has also been my blessing, and I could not have asked for nor would I have expected such lovely family to enter my life.  I cherish Rosebud's daddy.  A wonderful father.  A fantastic husband. I am very proud to be his wife.
(This is from when Rosebud was younger, but it is one of my favorites.) 

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