Friday, February 22, 2013

The Long Journey Ahead of Us All

We recieved blessed news on Wednesday.  We were matched with a son.  After what can only be described as intense emotional release from all of the build up of stress, excitment, grief, and hope of this adoption, I was left literally exhausted by late afternoon.  And so joyful.

I follow many families' blogs who are also on this journey to adopt from Lesotho.  So, at the end of the day, when I checked their blogs in hopes of finding more joyful news, and did not, I was not sure what to say.  I have wanted to be so careful about how I share my news. 

So, I will write a blog in the future about my joys.  I don't really have much news to share now anyway.  Not an age or a name (even if it would end up coded on my blog).  Here is what I have to say as I think about our other friends in this waiting....

This is not fair.  That is all I could think as I thought of the families and parents who wait to be matched.  I do not believe that your families need my support or my sorrow, but you have it anyway.  I hurt for you, but believe, truly, that there is a plan for your families and for the children of Lesotho.  Know that I continue to pray for your families and for your children.  Even when things aren't fair, there is often purpose we do not percieve.

So if for no other reason than this, I write this blog to acknowledge all the crummy feelings you should be allowed to feel.  Dissapointment, jealousy, exhaustion.

I will continue to lift up all of our families in prayer.  No matter where we are in the process, we will all certainaly need endurance.  There is still a long journey ahead of us.

Your friend,

Tara G

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